Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Excuse me, keep to the right.

Americans abroad have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious. But in their native habitat they are incredibly polite. To an unnerving extent for an Australian.

I noticed this when I first went to the supermarket. I had to half squeeze past someone in an aisle and they loudly said "excuse me". Now in Australia someone would only say that to you to tell you off. But in the States they are genuine. It is what is said in that situation and it is said very formally. I'm still not sure what I'm meant to say back. Probably say "excuse me" as well.

When you first arrive this will happen to you a lot, because Americans drive on the right hand side of the road. This means they naturally walk past each other on the right side. Australians naturally pass on the left. I didn't believe that I did that until I came here and kept nearly running into everyone I passed. "Excuse me" they would say politely as we nearly collided.

1 comment:

  1. The on ramp is usually curved as well so you need to reduce your speed as you approach the freeway, then floor it when you reach the short straight stretch to merge with the traffic traveling 65mph on the freeway.
